Free Filemaker Solutions
Drop-In Icons

The Drop-In Icons is a quick and easy drop includes 500 unique royalty free icons for you to drop into your solution. This icon library uses transparent .png icons. This solution utilizes 1 record with a repeating field of 500 repetitions in an easy grid format. Click on the icon to see a larger version. Each icon is 228x228 px at 300 DPI. They are organized in 15 categories, including: Business, Management, Finance, Shopping, Communication, Mobile, Internet, Computing, Media, Weather, Tools, Hands Gesture, Medicine, Transporation, Arrows. To incorporate this module into your solution simply, import 1 table, paste 1 script, bring in 2 value lists, paste in 1 layout (optionally 3 layouts) and import 1 record into your solution. See the Developers Read Me notes in the Scripts.

If you have any questions or feedback, please call (888) 530-BEAR or (530) 324-BEAR or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.