Filemaker Tips
Written by: J. Zatkulak
How to Remove a Saved Password in FileMaker via Credential Manager
Have you ever saved or cached a password in FileMaker Pro and then you needed to login with a different account? Windows stores these FileMaker passwords in the Credentials Manager, which you can get to via the Control Panel if you want to remove a saved password.
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Written by: J. Zatkulak
FileMaker and AppleScript
Do you want to use AppleScript in your FileMaker solution? This can be a very powerful tool, either using the Calculated AppleScript that lets you create a calculation to use as the AppleScript text. Or, use Native AppleScript to manually enter the text of an AppleScript.
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Written by: J. Zatkulak
Understanding Databases For Personalised DIrect Marketing and Variable Data Printing
The customer database is critical in creating a personalised direct mail campaign, but is unfamiliar to many printers or graphic designers. This article explains what kind of information is required to make a personalised mailing possible, how it is entered, stored, maintained, extracted and used with variable data print (VDP) software to generate campaigns in which each printed piece can be tailored to the profile of each customer.
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